The oft-mentioned "Innovation Sandbox" vividly teaches us that the most efficient innovation and creative achievements take place within pre-defined, strategic guidelines.
These strategic guidelines are put in place to allow focus, energy and collective will to work towards clear-cut objectives.
Conceptually guided by this intelligent, simple and proven thinking, DGSC's consulting delivery provides tailored, long-term value and practical sustainability by strictly anchoring itself around the following strategic pillars:
- Customers / Consumers as the primary, demand-led keystone towards future, sustainable profits
- Fact-based understanding vs. loose assumptions
- Tailored solutions vs. "off-the-shelf" models or "arcane" processes
- Systems-thinking to fully comprehend the total business exposure
- Practical, common-sense application vs. theoretical postulations
- A clear road map to sustainable profits vs. lengthy, boastful, sterile reports andnarrow-minded silo's
- Outcomes / delivery vs. fanciful input
- Sustained growth vs. survival. Survival, today, is going backwards ...