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- Group Marketing Executive, Rubbermaid (Ex-Coca-Cola Atlanta)

“I have known Dorian for over half of my twenty-two year marketing career, and he is, without question, the most gifted and effective marketing executive I have worked with in all of that time.”

"...Dorian was widely regarded throughout the global Coca-Cola system as one of the most talented and trusted members of the company's marketing leadership team.”

"...He is that rarest of breeds, with the ability to grasp both the high-level strategic issues, as well as the tactical, day-to-day activities that are necessary for success in the marketplace.”

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- Marketing Director, ViaMedia (Ex-MD, iTouch)

“During the project Dorian proved to be passionate, competent, patient and truly skilled in his grasp of the essence and juices that make up a brand.”

“I've never met anyone who could perform a better job.”


- CEO, Primedia (Ex-MD, Cinemark & SABC)

“Dorian is the consummate professional who, throughout his career, has performed at the highest level in delivering world class business solutions whether in a Corporate environment or to clients in his individual capacity.”


- MD, Starcom:

“Over the two and a half decades that I've been in the advertising and marketing profession I have met numerous successful people across many spheres of business, but rarely have I encountered someone as talented as Mr Glass.”

“Dorian is not only well versed in classic strategic marketing thinking, but also has the confidence to explore well beyond these limits and has the curiosity and passion to make the leaps of faith necessary in today's volatile market.”


- Director, C K Friedland, Shandling, Volks Inc :

“He has a prodigious knowledge of the dynamics involved in marketing and business strategies and an instinctive feel for the forces at work in the commercial environment and in commercial relationships.” >“He tactfully and sensitively guided my company and, where necessary, individual personnel through the process of self-knowledge which must precede an effective strategic direction and marketing campaign..." Creativity and science are combined to address the client's stated goal.."


- Owner, Lombardi Foods:

"...Dorian brought a fresh approach to strategic planning, and had us looking in at ourselves, from the outside.”


- MD and Creative Director, “Kite” Agency:

“Meeting Dorian is a real find. You will seldom find anyone with his depth of knowledge and experience in the strategic and marketing field.”


- CEO, Compass Group (Ex-CEO, Denel Munitions & GM, CTIA):

“The results were astounding in their breadth, depth and realistic insights, enabling DM to obtain a powerful and clear idea of the market terrain on which to platform their new Strategic Tooling and Imperatives going forward.”

" is rare and pleasurable to find the measures of Dorian's honesty, capable commitment and dedication within today's consulting or business environment.”

“Dorian's consulting approach … does not translate into well-worn "processes" or "off-the-shelf” business modelling.” …”Rather, his approach is to provide client with a fully tailored, uniquely created solution.”


- Sales & Marketing Director, Fair Cape (Ex-GM, 35050 Brand, iTouch):

“I have never encountered such thorough preparation for any project during my career and by the time we started the research, Dorian had ensured that we had every base covered.”

“Unsurprisingly, the level of insight we received from the market was supreme, allowing us far wider and deeper penetration into this market which, previously, we believed we knew so well. The classic insights that were unveiled were strategically critical, which we had never before encountered.”

“…further testament to Dorian's uncanny ability to pick out the ‘gold from the garbage’.”

“Dorian's, real strength is his ability to talk strategy on a level few really understand before rneeting him. His grasp of the real, practical elements, as opposed to only the theoretical tools which most marketers refer to, allows him to take a brand and breathe life into it – to create something living.”


- Coca-Cola Nairobi Bottlers Ltd.:

“Such has been the trust and admiration in Dorian's strategic capabilities that I view Dorian as a key confidant, business sage and fellow strategist for any business queries I might have.”


- MVI Management Ventures (Ex-Coca-Cola)

“I found Dorian to be highly competent in a broad variety of critical areas, whether strategic, business, brand, advertising or related. His ability to view the "bigger picture" was a key characteristic..."

“What I remember well in working with Dorian was his strategic insight, drive, focus and determination towards satisfying the high aspirations and ideals of the Coke business enterprise.”

“… Dorian showed uncompromising integrity, loyalty, commitment and professionalism in whatever he carried out, …”


- seasoned Marketing Insight and Research Practitioner:

“Dorian has an unusually creative mind and he is a natural "out of the box" thinker.” “His experience and commitment to integrity enable him to approach problems or challenges from various angles, covering the entire scope of any project or initiative before delivering well thought through insights and strategic direction.”


- MD, Livewire: “Dorian's approach was truly professional, sincere and deeply insightful. His intelligent grasp of the total workings of the Tender and its set processes assisted the Livewire Team in putting forward an exciting, highly professional Tender that attracted excellent commendation from Client.”